Things I learned from watching Bato Muni
Ko Phool:
1. You can't make girlfriends after you grow up. You either need to be childhood friends, or need to save them from rape. Just saying I Love You out of the blue gets you a slap in the face (very true, dat. Probably the only thing that makes sense in the movie).
2. Nepali villains are always horny. Rape is the easiest way to satisfy their carnal lusts.
3. Nepali fighters can kick very well.
4. If you know where to look, you'll find hot chicks even in far off villages. However, since they are from far off
villages and probably attended government schools, they can't speak English worth shit.
5. Heros (and all other motorcycle drivers) don't need to wear helmets.
6. Groups of friends secretly practice dance routines so they can spontaneously perform choreographed moves in random wedding receptions.
7. Whenever Nepali heroes drink, they get drunk. They don't know how to handle even a single glass of beer. Pussies.
8. Any hero worth his salt should be able to deliver at least one emotion laden hammed up sentimental monologue. Tears on demand is an essential criterion for being a Nepali hero.
9. Rajesh Hamal rocks. Big time.